Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Don't Go Running to Gordon Lightfoot

Don't go running to Gordon Lightfoot's Did She Mention My Name? anytime soon. You will end up laughing hysterically and not running very far. Songs like "The Last Time I Saw Her" and "May I" will cut any run short due to gasping for air between chortles. "May I" is a children's carnival of a ride with ridiculous lyrics explaining rules of a game that entail: "Finders keepers losers weepers, ring-a-round-the-rosey and catch you if I can" (sure you may write a great scene for Pistol Party while listening to it, but that does nothing for a run). I didn't make it far enough to listen to songs like "Pussywillows, Cat-tails" or "Something Very Special" featured on side two, but I can only imagine that they will provide the same. So I repeat: DO NOT RUN TO GORDON LIGHTFOOT'S DID SHE MENTION MY NAME? WHILE RUNNING.

Here's "May I" by Gordon Lightfoot-A final warning, DO NOT RUN TO THIS ALBUM (unless you like side stitches and hyperventilating):

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